MAX/MSP Processing 연동 라이브러리 설명
2009. 11. 24. 20:53
다음은 MaxLink에 대한 설명
1. 다운로드 받은 후 요래 작업을 해주어야 함
:: MaxLink 0.34 installation instructions for Windows XP ::
:: For Processing ::
Drag the "Library-MaxLink" folder into your Processing examples folder
(C:\Program Files\processing-xxxx\examples\).
Drag the "maxlink" folder into your Processing libraries folder
(C:\Program Files\processing-xxxx\libraries\).
:: For Max/MSP 4.5+ ::
Drag the "jk" folder into the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Cycling '74\java\classes folder.
Drag the "p5-sketches" folder into the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Cycling '74\ folder.
Add the line
max.dynamic.jar.dir "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Cycling '74\p5-sketches"
to your max.java.config.txt file (in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Cycling '74\java\).
max.dynamic.jar.dir "/Library/Application Support/Cycling '74/p5-sketches"
->이렇게 해줌됨!!
Restart both apps.
If you have a firewall running, enable network traffic on port 7474.
Check out the Processing examples from File:Sketchbook:Examples:Library-MaxLink. Corresponding Max patches can be found in the "example max patches" folder.
It is no longer necessary to copy files into each sketch's code folder -- just add the library from the Processing application from Sketch:Import Library:maxlink.
More info: http://jklabs.net/maxlink/
2. 테스트
그림을 보면
mxj jk link color_sketch 3 0 ->max/map부분
MaxLink link = new MaxLink(this,"color_sktch"); ->processing 부분
다 주는데로 퍼먹는것보다 생각한번 해보는것도 좋지예~?
1. 다운로드 받은 후 요래 작업을 해주어야 함
:: MaxLink 0.34 installation instructions for Windows XP ::
:: For Processing ::
Drag the "Library-MaxLink" folder into your Processing examples folder
(C:\Program Files\processing-xxxx\examples\).
Drag the "maxlink" folder into your Processing libraries folder
(C:\Program Files\processing-xxxx\libraries\).
:: For Max/MSP 4.5+ ::
Drag the "jk" folder into the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Cycling '74\java\classes folder.
Drag the "p5-sketches" folder into the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Cycling '74\ folder.
Add the line
max.dynamic.jar.dir "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Cycling '74\p5-sketches"
to your max.java.config.txt file (in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Cycling '74\java\).
max.dynamic.jar.dir "/Library/Application Support/Cycling '74/p5-sketches"
->이렇게 해줌됨!!
Restart both apps.
If you have a firewall running, enable network traffic on port 7474.
Check out the Processing examples from File:Sketchbook:Examples:Library-MaxLink. Corresponding Max patches can be found in the "example max patches" folder.
It is no longer necessary to copy files into each sketch's code folder -- just add the library from the Processing application from Sketch:Import Library:maxlink.
More info: http://jklabs.net/maxlink/
2. 테스트
그림을 보면
mxj jk link color_sketch 3 0 ->max/map부분
MaxLink link = new MaxLink(this,"color_sktch"); ->processing 부분
다 주는데로 퍼먹는것보다 생각한번 해보는것도 좋지예~?